

[Video] Boedan Nelson 2011 Edit

Curtis Winstanley sent me through this edit he made of shredder Boedan Nelson. Ridiculous lookback airs! Curtis is just getting into filming, and i'd say he's doing a really good job at it so far! Check it out.


[Video] Nick Harris Impurity Bike Co Edit.

Newest edit from Kurt Teague. I don't even bother missing it, because they're always going to be good! And this one definitely fits in the expectations. Nick Harris busts out some pretty rad stuff in this street and park edit, definitely watch this!

Nick Harris Impurity Bike Co Edit. from Kurt Teague on Vimeo.


Tom Duffy

Since I got my new camera there'll be a lot of picture updates going on.

Scopin' the rail.

Getting it done.